I'll highlight this one as representative of how badly you got this one wrong.
1. Neurologic was part "reality augmentation game", somewhat like a modern "tantra".
2. The message of Terra II was that "all life must come home", it says that directly. Not the elites, all life.
3. Neurogentic "racism", i.e. the view that you are projecting onto the entirety of Neurologic, is a stage that Leary believed "intelligence" evolves OUT of, and the marker of such a stage is basically when the "worst of us" adapts to manipulating the digital or electronic signal; a stage that is followed by the collapse of such a view. Leary was remarkabley predictive here in that he predicts Trump.
4. Leary viewed evolution as an intelligence test, not a test of elites, but as individuals who evolved past their own "caste system".
5. The entirety of Leary's work was about the individual directing their own evolution through the different castes of intelligence.
6. You can check Leary's later work which obviously showed he held no such views, he even predicted race and sexual identities would break down. "Leary comics" which he wrote created a character who was a bisexual bi racial being.
7. Leary viewed that some intelligence castes follow the direction of the sun. Whether or not this is true or not, this is why he believed that the most activiated intelligences, seeking to flee more oppressive territories, will always "follow the sun", which is why he noted California, as well as England and Ireland, as where these genetic "out-castes" as he called them, would gather. It had nothing to do with "california" as a state, it had to do with California being as farthest West as the genetic "outcastes" of the eastern seaboard could travel.
8. The purpose of the "Game of Life" was for all life to come "home", which he modeled as the galactic center, but all he did was take Eastern concepts about mind and consciousness and give them a sci-fi twist.
9. Leary absolutely suggested that an individual can increase their own intelligence by mating with a similar caste, not to create "elite children" but to simply increase their own intelligence.