(answer from your previous question in other thread)
Yes, I have read all of these works extensively, for years even. 22 years ago I was even mid-step in making a film about his "game Of life". This is one area where I am uniquely qualified to have a strong opinion.
You certainly "unquoted" him, meaning you left out a lot of context including famous quotes of his which would run counter to your narrative.
I don’t have any of his books handy, and it has been years and years since I did my deep dive, but my deep dive into Leary was the majority of my 20’s, which included spending time with him before he died and having a one on one four hour long conversation with him. To give you an idea, Tim told me at that point in his life that I knew more about his work than he did, which was more a testimony to his failing memory or dying, but I grilled him personally on his views too.
You write: "He saw himself as a futant - a future human, who has unlocked the higher circuits of the mind and is therefore an out-caste from the less evolved majority. “
While you are not “wrong” here, you’re also far from correct. “Less evolved” is your projection. What you are missing is the context of Leary’s fun exercises.
Leary wanted EVERYONE to look at their group of friends as the “illuminati”, those were games Leary would constantly talk about, viewing yourself and your friends as the true “insiders” who influence the evolution of society. This is just “civilization building” talk, it has nothing to do with “genetics” in the way you are framing and misinforming the context to Leary’s exercises.
You write: He puts himself and all his friends in the 'genetic hall of fame'.
Yes, and you should do the same, so should everyone, that was Leary’s point!
Leary wrote that in “the Game of Life” and “Intelligence Agents”. Leary viewed those naturally motivated in their “niches” towards certain concepts are the ones that push the boundaries in society.
His view is not very controversial there at all.
Civilization building movements of any kind are naturally drawn to people who have minds for civilization building, i.e. making contributions in the arts and sciences of society, those who design breakthroughs and innovations.
Check The Game of Life, the book is designed for everyone to award themselves these "awards" you see at the end of each chapter.
Leary, over and over, expressed the work was written in “psy-phy” and “sci-fi”, it is a handbook for how to do it.
Not how to create children mind you, but how to create powerful new ideas that emerge into society and push it forward. Basically, Tim believed that when two types of nervous systems meet, male and female, the higher they get during having sex with each other the more intelligence will unlock in the human nervous system that will quickly evolve their individual intelligence and creativity immensely.
That was the point, it had nothing to do with creating a race of children, that would be silly.
Any philosopher, artist or scientist who changes thinking is what Tim would call an “intelligence agent”.
To put this in the context of Eugenics is absurd; Leary’s view was about accounting why concepts like “eugenics” arise at all, when they can be predicted to rise AND collapse.
He was making an accounting of the evolution of intelligence through society, from primitive hunter gathers into the future.
So when you quote Leary where he writes “Such evolutionary agents are best described as OUT-CASTES. They are cast out, thrown forward, pushed up, above and beyond, contemporary hive realities”.
Sure, and he ain't wrong, but it has nothing to do with eugenics, he is describing the counter-culture hippies, the generation that at the time clearly thought different. Your leaving out his generational arguments, his view of history.
Intelligent Agents are those in society that “think different” than their local “niche” and to “find the others” with similar chemistries to “mate and partner up” in co-created reality niches.
He is talking about artists and scientists. He is aware of history, knowing that societies that produce an upper class naturally produce more “hedonic engineers” simply because they have more resources and time. That is hardly a controversial view.
I mean, your notion that these are “elitist” ideas are not fully considered, Leary wanted everyone to play the Game of Life, and to be able to see and determine where they are at.
He said it played out at the individual level, and the “Hippies” were those evolving consciousness and society at the time. He then tracked, and predicted with some degree of accuracy, would would happen to the "consumer" generation through the future, creating the next wave of social evolution in Space.
Leary’s system was more like a “rosetta stone”, he and RAW wanted to be able to communicate what they believed where ideas were distributed through history between the artists and the scientists and the mystics and the philosophers, a way for them all to understand each other.
“There are a few hundred post-social human beings whose brains have been activated to the Neurogenetic Level and who can think like DNA.”
Yes, because they were doing things to get to that level, like LSD, sex, and deep intelligent conversation. It’s not something he is saying people are born into, he is saying this is something that is designed at the individual level.
You write “now, he suggests that elite should act for the good of DNA as a whole, rather than self-interestedly, but he undeniably thought there WAS a genetic elite which he was part of”
Absolutely not in the way you are thinking. You keep missing the “self-directed” nature and thus miss Tim’s meaning.
Using Tim’s “sci fi” mythos, he viewed himself as Commodore Leary from Galactic Central who came to earth to give the users handbook of how to operate the human nervous system. Those drawn to the work where natural “intelligence agents” which are simply those that are both oppressed in their niches AND think differently.
No where does he say they are the elites, but he DOES say that all castes produce them, including “elite” classes as in generational wealth classes, who simply have more time to indulge them.
Jules, to even think Leary talked about sex for breeding is just so horribly wrong I really think you need to try some of Tim’s methods for yourself, just so you can laugh at how absurd your thinking here is.
Leary’s “tantric linkage” via highly turned on “sex” between was not between genetic “types” but between individuals whom have simply “turned on” the higher brain circuits via drugs or yogas.
Tim focused on brain circuits, why you put his focus on genetics does not compute here.
Tim just took the real “tantric” chakra system, looked at it as a psychologist, figured out and experimented with different techniques to unlock the “chakras” or brain circuits, and voila, all Tim did was update easter tantric methods and practices with a modern age “psy-phy” sci-fi tale.
It doesn't matter how many quotes you put here, you are taking these quotes so far out of context to Tim’s system as to do your audience and him an injustice.
Tim’s entire life, all of his work, you can simply understand as Tim wanted everyone to turn themselves into an Elite. Most of the pushback Tim got in his early days was bringing all of these things to the masses and NOT just letting the “elite” classes of society indulge in them, he “democratized” them.
Yes I know all of those quotes. You know, some extraordinary minds exist. That’s not “eugenics”, that’s just evolution. The individuals in the world that naturally seek out the deeper questions of “who we are, where we are from, and where we are going” are the “futants”.
It has nothing to do with race, absolutely nothing.
And that's what Tim did, he put a tantric system into modern psychology into a sci-fi tale that explained an aspect of evolution, which he viewed as evolution of the “fastest” or those that could increase their own intelligence.
So I suggest not taking yourself so seriously on this issue, and try Tim’s exercise. Imagine yourself as an intelligent agent, increasing your own intelligence, and imagine your friends, those that you learn from are all in this “elite group” that is civilization building, collaborating on making society better.
That’s really what Tim was all about, the individual and the collaboration between turned on individuals.
That's a psychological exercise, and almost like a hidden joke, because that is what Leary and Wilson claimed was the real “inner secret”, we all just design the reality we want and link up with those who share our view of reality.
I suggest you go back to the Game of Life and read both the chapters of “sperm intelligence” (that’s where your eugenics goes! That’s where Leary accounts for “racism” and predicts where obsession with genetics will happen, its a “stage” that an individual or group of individuals can pass through in the Game of Life) and the following Chapter “Egg Wisdom” which collapses the previous stage. I think its castes 19 and 20 if I remember correctly.
And remember, you’re reading Tim’s “psy-phy” series, meaning that there is a lot of tongue in cheek, play on words, hidden meanings (all iintentional and even disclosed in those books, he tells the reader he is doing this).
Tim plays tricks, hoaxes, jokes, and writes in things for the reader to “catch” if, and only if, you’re an intelligence agent ;)
I do love your writing otherwise!